In the last decade India has announced significant amount of changes to its Infrastructure Development and Investments Planning. Some initiatives like MAKE IN INDIA has not only infused a fresh confidence amongst the Indian business fraternity but have also yielded a 100x results. India has witnessed lots of companies turning to India for the manufacturing of their products. Some have in fact shifted their manufacturing dependance from China to INDIA.
Where lots of Opportunities have opened up for India, it is necessary for India to live upto the expectations. As there always be concern regarding the quality of the products being manufactured in INDIA. All companies prefer zero variability in the texture and performance of their products after they change their contract manufacturers. Considering this as a very important parameter to keep the emotion of MAKE IN INDIA alive, the Government launched a nationwide network of 6580 Laboratories for testing and calibration activities. These laboratories helps in quality control of Indian manufactured products. As a result, there is Sudden Rise in Calibration and Testing Laboratories in INDIA.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision is that "scale" and "standards" are the two key principles that could catapult India as a global manufacturing hub. This initiative is undertaken in line with this vision only. "To enhance competitiveness of Indian goods and services, building a quality culture is of utmost importance" and this can be done through thorough testing of the product to be manufactured and calibration of instrument and equipment used for the manufacturing of this product.
It is estimated that in coming years to come, India shall become the primary and global hub for manufacturing of quality products and instruments. And these testing laboratories shall play an important role in achieving these significant milestone.
V CARE IMPEX has been working with these testing laboratories since long time now by providing them quality calibration instruments and equipments. We have also helped them with the procurement of Imported and branded measuring instruments to run their labs with 100% Efficiency. We are one of the few manufacturers of Standard weights in India who have complete range in Standard Weights and Weighing Balances.
Our aim is to become the most reliable partner for these testing labs in the near future so that we can proudly say that we made significant contribution in nation's growth.