Searching for Standard Weight Box ideal for Personal use, School, College and Calibration Purpose? Try VCI PRECI M1 Class Weight Box - 1 mg to 200 g. . At V-CARE IMPEX, one of the prime suppliers of Standard Weights and Laboratory Weight Sets, we are committed to providing high-quality M1 Class weights that range from 1 mg to 200 g. Whether you’re conducting experiments in a lab, teaching in a classroom, or using it for precise personal applications, our weight sets are designed for accuracy and reliability. Explore our extensive range of weights, including E1, E2, F1, F2, and M1 classes to suit any need. Experience unmatched precision and stellar customer service with V-CARE IMPEX.
M1 Class Weight Box - 1 mg to 200 g | VCI PRECI | V-CARE IMPEX, Mumbai
₹16,300.00 Regular Price
₹9,910.00Sale Price
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